Give us a call: (559) 432-6292
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The HOPE acronym stands for
Helping Open Possibilities with Exercise.

This program specializes in helping people with various neurological issues—spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, strokes, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s, Guillain-Barré syndrome, etc.  With repetition, exercise, and trainer assistance, a person can begin to regain strength and controlled movement in his/her legs and hands. We can’t promise a full recovery to anyone, but we do offer a legitimate HOPE of recovery to everyone. Each trainer is required to have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. If you have questions about the HOPE program, please contact us!

Program Details


Anyone is welcome to this program. Regardless of how long you’ve been injured, how severe the injury is, or how low your probability is for walking again, we want to help!  To participate in this program, first contact the front office at (559) 432-6292, then please fill out the required forms listed below. To inquire about a walk-thru, please contact the front office.

Our H.O.P.E. trainers incorporate weight-lifting, load-bearing, gait training, and core strengthening to build muscle strength—key components in the recovery process. Also, using the Active Nervous System Recruitment (ANSR) method, H.O.P.E. trainers use a person’s muscle spasms to create arm or leg movements on purpose.

  • Absolutely NO tummies showing
  • No low-cut shirts (front or back)
  • No spaghetti straps (tank­-style shirts must have a minimum 1 inch shoulder strap)
  • All shorts must have at least a 6 inch inseam (no high cut bottoms or short shorts)

Rachel (the H.O.P.E. Director) doesn’t put limits on me. I push myself and it inspires others to push themselves.

-HOPE Client

Staff Training

We strive to prepare our staff to effectively work with and teach children of all abilities to be in a class with other students. All staff are required to attend workshops where they:

  • Trained in an ability awareness class with co-founder, Deby Hergenrader
  • Familiarized with ASD
  • Learn how to use PECs, a structured schedule, social stories, and the Timed Timer
  • Co-teach spectrum classes with a trained staff member

Thank you to our MAJOR sponsors